Product documentation
Maintenance Management Workorders Form



Workorders are used in the day to day operations of a maintenance organization. The work order types typically contain multiple work order statuses. With the combination of both most common processes can be organized. I.e. For repair a ‘repair’ work order type can be setup with different work order statuses to identify the different steps that are needed. Potential statuses can be; created, assigned, diagnoses, waiting on parts, cancelled, ready, etc.

Work orders can be created without equipment but are mostly linked to specific equipment. When a task needs to be created for a work order, i.e. because a repair needed, the work order needs to be linked to equipment. This is required since the combination of a work order and work order task will generate a subproject for the project of the equipment linked to the work order.

The combination of a work order type and its work order statuses can determine the required response time. Whether you can still handle a work order within its required response type will be made visual via icons in the work order list page and the work order details screen. These response times can be setup per work order type, but when needed they can also be made specific for a severity, equipment types or even specific equipment.

The deadline days/times of the different work order statuses are always calculated based on the SLD reference time of the work order. So, for each status the SLD reference time is the basis for the calculation of the deadline.

Besides the deadline days/times there are also actions dates/times. Where the deadline days/times are typically representing the default settings or the severity, the action days/times are user specific. They are typically used as a personal reminder. The combination of the deadline –and action days/times the icons in front of the work order, in the work order list page and work order details form, will reflect the urgency of the work order.

Work orders can be used purely to streamline the internal processes, but mostly a work order is also the starting point of work order tasks. These tasks will be scheduled in the scheduling overview using the color as defined on the work order types.
For the set up of the workorders, see Workorders

All workorders

Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Workorders > All workorders

A workorder can be opened from the grid. In the workorder a user register all information needed to create a task for a technician. The workorder task exists out of 12 tabs. Some fields will automatically be filled be entering or due to set up.

Tab General 

Field Description
Worker Employee creating the workorder
Work order type Workordertype for this workorder
Work order status Status of the workorder, during the process, this status will be updated.
Equipment Equipment for the workorder
Equipment type Equipment type of the equipment.
Location code Location code of the equipment
BOM BOM for the workorder if applicable
Primary user The worker who is responsible for the equipment.

Tab Maintenance Note

Field Description
Maintenance note Information for engineer regarding maintenance, i.e. permission for repair if costs are over 500 euro.

Tab Severity

Field Description
View Button for opening the serverity questions matrix.
Severity Serverity applicable for this workorder. Depending on set up, this can be a mandatory field

Tab Information

Field Description
Subject Subject of the addidional information on the workorder
Message Additional information.
Solution Solution information for this workorder. This solution can be entered by a engineer on the work task and will be copied to this field.
URL Hyperlink to the internet.

Tab Progress

Tab Setup

Field Description
Statistic codes
Complaint code Choose one from dropdown
Cause code Choose one from dropdown
Solution code Choose one from dropdown
Parts availability status Status of availability of parts used for this workorder
Received by Choose one from dropdown
Open work order Consider the workorder as unfisishhed, so the responsible employee still needs to monitor the staus and progress.

Tab Service level

Field Description
Created date and time Date and time when workorder was created. 
Created by User who created the workorder
SLA Reference date/ time Date & time on which all Service Level Agreement (SLA) calculations are based.
Service level
SLD ID Service level definition (SLD) id, unique for each service level.
SLA Deadline
Delay days Delay days beyond the Service Level Agreement.
Delay Dalay time of the day.
Action date Date & time when the next action can and should be taken.
Deadline date Date & time on which the current work order status is no longer allowed according to the under laying Service Level Agreement.

Tab SLA Milestone

Field Description
SLA Deadline Difference (Days/ Time)
Days difference Difference in days to the deadline in days for the milestone as defined in the Service Level Definition.
Time difference Difference in time to the deadline in days for the milestone as defined in the Service Level Definition.

Tab Further Identification 

Use quantity counter value Value of the use quantity counter

Tab Equipment

The tab equipment only appears when no equipment is added during creating the work order.  

Field Description
Item number Item number for the equipment
Configuration Configuration of item, choose one
Name Description of the item
Serial number Serial number of the item, choose one or leave empty.
Chassisnumber Chassisnumber of the item
License plate Licence plate of the item.

Tab Project

Field Description
Project ID Project ID of the related project
Project integration Which project integration is applicable for the workorder

Tab History

In the history tab, an overview of the workorder is being shown.


Ribbon Workorder

Field Description
Task Create a new task for the workorder
Service Level
Delay action Delay the action time, choose one.
Delay deadline Delay the workorder deadline, choose one
Time recording
Start / Stop To start or stop the time recording.
Progress Enter a progress note for the workorder

Ribbon Intake

Field Description
Unsuspend Unsuspend

Ribbon Manage

Field Description
Follow Up
Tasks Opens a grid with all tasks related to the workorder
Sales order customer Opens the sales order form in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations to create a salesorder for this workorder 
Salesorder equipment Opens the sales order form in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations to create a salesorder related to the equipment for this workorder 
Create purchase order Opens the purchase order form in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations , to create a purchase order directly at a vendor.  
Purchase orders Opens the purchase order form in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations , to create a purchase order directly at a vendor.  
Severity questions Opens the severity matrix
Reassign equipment Reassign an equipment on the workorder
Close work order To close the selected workorder. Depending on the workorderstatus.
Reopen To reopen the workorder. If this is possible is depending of the setup.
Post work order tracking Post work order timer booking 

Ribbon Control

Field Description
Transactions-Work order Overview of the financial transactions of the work order
Cockpitview Opens the cockpitview of the selected workorder
Project statements Opens the project statements of the project of the selected equipment
Hour Overview of hours against the forecast. 
Expense Overview of expense against the forecast. 
Items Overview of items against the forecast. 
Work order timer lines Overview of work order timer lines of the workorder
Hour Overview of hour transactions of the workorder
Expense Overview of the expenses(s) of the workorder
Item Overview of all the item transactions of the workorder.
Task schedules Journal of the task schedules of the workorder
Maintenance orders Journal of the maintenance orders of the workorder
Task registrations Journal of task registrations of the workorder

Ribbon General

Field Description
Equipment context Direct link to the equipment setup.